Monday, May 09, 2005

office jargon: word of the day

Percussive Maintenance

per-cus-sive main-te-nance

Adj/ Noun (not really sure which one, your choice)
Pronunciation: p&r-'k&-siv 'mAn-t&n-&n(t)s

Definition: To physically take ones frustration out on a broken electronic device.

"The jammed fax machine was percussively maintained by Jimmy."
"Jane's percussive maintenance of her phone led to the office fire."


Ike said...

i must attest to the validity of this method's effectiveness. i have become much more satisfied with the perfomance of many office products after a solid beat-down. my computer here at work, although nearly brand-new, seems to feel the need to make a buzzing sound quite often. the best method for shutting the damn thing up is a nice little kick. i'm sure there are other ways to silence the thing, but using a little percussive maintenance also helps me release a little bit of the frustration i feel.

as a side note, thanks for getting back to your duty of keeping us slackers entertained while we sit at work, b. i know some kids do need money to pay for college, but you have to have your priorities straight (crooked?). and for that, i salute you.

TSBAllStars3 said...

I think the computer that we have in the shop here could use some percussive maintenance. I am just worried that if I do it up right, the computer will stop functioning. Guess I will just have to keep throwing my hat around for a while.

I would like to make note that the IRS has "nearly brand-new" computers and I am stuck using a Dell that probably came out at the same time as the Apple IIe.

Oh yeah they my coworker decided to point out that the sports pub and bowling alley on base here both have mini casinos in them. As of right now I am even with the one armed bandits. As to be expected it probably won't last long like that. Just wish I could find one of those "Frog" machines for some big payoffs.

"I was at this casino minding my own business, and this guy came up to me and said, "You're gonna have to move, you're blocking a fire exit." As though if there was a fire, I wasn't gonna run. If you're flammible and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit." -Mitch Hedberg